Married to a Porn Addict? 7 Tips to Help You Cope

Addiction to Pornography can have devastating consequences for sufferers and their spouses. If you are married to a porn addict, you may be struggling with questions like:
Communication Gap? Couples, Do This Not That

Do you find that there is a communication gap between you and your partner? When you do try to communicate with each other, do things just fall apart? When communicating
Betrayal Trauma: Partners of Sex Addicts Need Help Too

Being the partner of someone struggling with sex addiction brings with it a unique set of challenges. Partners of sex addicts are likely to experience strong
Sex Addiction Therapy: A Safe, Private Place to Heal

Are you struggling with sex addiction, but feel unsure whether going to therapy is right for you? Participating in sex
When the Argument Never Stops: 4 Ways Couples Counseling Can Help

Do you feel like you and your partner are always arguing? Do one or both of you avoid difficult conversations, fearing that it could escalate? Every relationship has its
Christian Counseling: Realign Your Relationship with Biblical Values

Are you and your spouse struggling to connect? Do you feel like you are drifting apart in your marriage? Do you want to rebuild your relationship on the solid foundation
In a Relationship, Little Things Mean a Lot: 7 Fun Ways to Show Love to your Partner

When it comes to love, little acts can mean a lot to show your partner that you care. They can also help over time to strengthen your relationship. If you are struggling